Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Betrayal of shadow!

 Hey! Do you feel like corona made you a different person in 'n' out?? 

Well if you don't know the answer ask yourself out.. May be there is something you'll love to know about yourself or you may hate. 

Exactly that's what I am saying it's not necessary that you'll feel glad of the changes came to you in the this difficult period of time.  May be you're not the person anymore you once loved. It's not easy to go through changes many of you have must fought the change and many of you have gladly accepted it. I'm not saying you should have fought it or not accepted it or the other way.. It's totlly up to you. 

All I know is that I want to share a story with you of my delightful school friend... Who is no more what she used to be and to her surprise she doesn't even know that she has changed so much. She was this cheerful person always with laughter around her.. The colours of wall turned red against her beauty. Heart of gold with melodious  voice to everyone but always alone. 

She changed into a girl with no voice a heart full of sorrow, pain, anger, and sour feelings for everyone. Lost in the tangled and broken heart of her to mend, find it's pieces. But never she realised that she lost her inner beauty while fighting all the curse she should never be facing... Girl like her made me feel how life can change and a normal looking person with hideous nature can pass on alone though 1000 of problems changes and turn to someone she could never recognise  as herself. And be proud to be the one standing against herself to ask who are you and what are you doing here.. 

It's just like her shadow has betrayed her... When only she had  was her dark and more dark shadow to be called her own!! 

It's a hard hard time, 
But try not to loose your self. 
In the process of change, 
Its not easy to recognise self 
And hence take care of what 
You're changing and and for whom. 

Spooky Night 💀

 Hello guys!  Have you ever seen a ghost? 🤔 Or do you believe in ghost or the negetive energy?  If your answer is yes... Then I want you to...