Monday, September 30, 2019


I bent down
From smile to walk
Before again  to a smile
It's way too long
Dark and deep
Shallow as hell
Quite as desert
Cold as ice
But there was
Hot water droppings
To embrace the
Chilly desert ice
My Tears!!
They who can't fall
Nor tuck in
Haha someone said
I won't let it tuck
For a long, you won't
Find your smile
Back to this mile.....


  1. πŸ€—πŸ˜˜πŸ€—yo nice one sarjana❤

  2. πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ fact of life reallyπŸ™ beautifull lines dear😊

    1. thank you so much..looking forward for your more responses.

  3. Dil ko touch kar liya apne toh mis sar jana .....😍overall adorable ......

  4. thanks for being the part of my journey.

  5. You how pain feel when you Casual read a book but after few chapters you realize that the main character is living a life just like your past even though there were only good memories but it’s all does even exist at this time that the most painful thing you remember of those moments but as you go futher in story you realize that each word is like a rock that is drowning you back in those memories


Spooky Night πŸ’€

 Hello guys!  Have you ever seen a ghost? πŸ€” Or do you believe in ghost or the negetive energy?  If your answer is yes... Then I want you to...